Cleaning your solar panels has 4 main benefits:

  1. Maximizing your solar panels’ power output

  2. Increasing utility bill savings for owners

  3. Extended Lifespan

  4. Protection from:

    - damage to your panels

    -injury to yourself or loved ones

    Getting your panels cleaned by professionals, allow you to avoid risking damage to your system and helps avoid putting yourself or a loved one in danger

Why Cleaning your panels is important:

Rain isn’t a solution

Rain can help to remove some dirt and dust from the surface of solar panels, which can improve their efficiency. However, in areas with high levels of pollution or with hard water, rain alone may not be sufficient to keep the panels clean.

Hard water, also called scale, contains a high amount of minerals that can leave mineral deposits on the surface of the solar panels which can’t be removed by the rain. Even in areas with low pollution, solar panels can still become dirty due to things like bird droppings, tree sap, and other environmental factors; and while rain may help to remove some of this, it won’t be able to remove it all.

It's also worth noting that the panel’s angle, orientation, and surrounding environment may also affect the cleaning efficiency of the solar panels by rain. For example, if the panels are installed at too steep or low of an angle, rainwater may not be able to flow over the panels effectively to remove dirt and debris.

It’s for this reason that in order to ensure optimal performance, it's necessary to clean your solar panels on a regular basis.

Getting your panels cleaned by us saves your panels from possible micro-crack formation, hotspots, and calcium buildup which results in energy output reduction. While most systems last an average of 25 years, getting them cleaned regularly helps extend their lifespan by significantly lowering their degradation rate.

Extended Lifespan

When you don’t regularly clean your solar panels, your solar panel provider may void your warranty because you do not regularly maintain them. It is recommended to use professionals so nothing gets accidentally scratched, unrepairable, or permanently damaged.


Did you Know?

We save our clients an average of

over $500 per year

by cleaning their solar panels!

25-panel systems experiencing a 15% drop in efficiency*